Avoiding Tooth Decay in Children Starts With the Parents

How to you prevent tooth decay

It is one thing to know how to prevent tooth decay in children, it is another thing entirely to pull it off. About 23% of children in the United States, between the ages of two and 11, have tooth decay that is not yet treated. Getting your child to brush their teeth can be more like pulling teeth, but it is up to you to teach your children proper dental care, and to get them off to a good start. Read on for three tips on how to prevent tooth decay in children.

      1. What are the ways to prevent tooth decay in children?

It starts with good oral and dental care from birth! After your child is born, use gauze to wipe down their gums after a feeding, and bring them to the dentist just after their first birthday. At two years of age you should start supervising your child as they brush their teeth, and have them brush with water and a soft bristled brush after every meal. Once your child starts losing their baby teeth, you can teach them the importance of taking care of what will now be their adult teeth. This is also a good time to teach your child to floss in order to maintain good gum health.

      1. Are there any foods that prevent tooth decay?

You can help your child prevent tooth decay naturally by avoiding foods that encourage tooth decay, such as acidic and sugary foods, like orange juice, candy, and soda. Other foods that prevent tooth decay include dairy products, like cheese. A study published by General Dentistry showed that dairy products affect plaque pH, and can therefore promote oral health, and prevent cavities. Green and black tea, if taken after sugary foods can help inhibit bacteria, and prevent plaque from building up as long as it is enjoyed without any sweeteners, or dairy.

      1. Does fluoride prevent tooth decay?

Fluoride does have an effect on tooth decay, by making teeth resistant to the acids in plaque, bacteria, and sugars. In young children the fluoride can be taken in by the teeth and effectively construct stronger teeth, making it harder for acids to eat away at them. Brushing your teeth with a fluoride toothpaste, at least twice a day, can be helpful in preventing tooth decay.

It is important to tell your children that even though they do not feel any pain, or see any decay, it can still be happening. If you need more information on how to prevent tooth decay in children, talk to your dentist. They will be more than happy to help you teach your child good dental care and make sure that they receive the necessary cleanings and treatments.

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